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Signature Events

Each year, the Loudoun Education Foundation hosts a series of signature events to help support students and educations in Loudoun County. Learn more about these events, and any details that have been determined for the upcoming year.

Scroll or click the buttons below to learn more:

Annual Golf Classic

The LEF Golf Classic presented by Belfort Furniture is the foundation’s premiere fundraising event, held at the exclusive private Club at Creighton Farms. Funds raised fuel LEF’s mission of empowering LCPS students and educators to reach their full potential. The next Golf Classic is Monday, September 30, 2024.

Golf Classic
LCPS College Fair

LCPS College Fair

The Loudoun Education Foundation is pleased to support the annual LCPS College Fair, designed to connect high school students with opportunities in higher education.


It is one of the largest college fairs in the region, regularly featuring nearly 200 colleges and universities from around the nation, as well as representatives from every branch of the U.S. military. Each year, the fair draws thousands of students and their families.

College Fair
School-Business Partnership Awards

School-Business Partnership Awards

The mission of the Loudoun School-Business Partnership is to promote the development and success of partnerships between the Loudoun County Public Schools and businesses.


This ensures the students are prepared to contribute successfully to the ever-changing industry and community environments.


LEF sponsors the annual breakfast, which is a celebration of this program and a recognition of some of its most important contributors.

School-Business Partnership

Regional Science & Enginneering Fair

The Loudoun Education Foundation is pleased to support the LCPS Regional Science & Engineering Fair. The fair brings together more than 300 high school students from throughout LCPS and showcases their outstanding work.


From this event, the top projects go on to compete in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair.

Science an Engineering Fair

Outstanding Educators Banquet

Each May, the Loudoun Education Foundation honors excellence in education through its annual Outstanding Educators Banquet.


The annual event honors LCPS educators who have been nominated for:

- Teacher the Year;

- Principal of the Year;

- New Teacher of the Year for Elementary;

- New Teacher of the Year for Middle School;

- New Teacher of the Year for High School.

Outstanding Educators
Inspire Loudoun

Inspire Loudoun

This teacher-run, professional learning day empowers Loudoun County Public School teachers to come together and share best practices in teaching with technology.


For 10 years, this conference has hosted more than 1,000 teachers. In a single, non-contract day, educators exchange ideas on collaborative practices, flipped classrooms, personalized and project-based learning, and much more.


This event is a success thanks to our sponsors and presenters.

General Old Ox Rocks Flyer 2025_edited.jpg

Old Ox Rocks for Teachers!

JOIN US for this second annual music festival, held 3-9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 1, at Old Ox Brewery, 44652 Guilford Drive in Ashburn.


Local favorite '80s band Berlin Calling takes the stage at 7 p.m. The festival line up also includes student musicians and The Surfability Vibe. Plus, back by popular demand is the SUPERSTAR SINGING COMPETITION!


The Superstar Singer who raises the most money will get to sing with Berlin Calling at 8 p.m. Who do you want at the mic? Vote with your dollars below!


Donate, vote or purchase tickets by clicking below or use the link



Men at Work at Career and Apprenticeship Fair

Career & Apprenticeship Fair

The LCPS Career & Apprenticeship Fair is for high school students to explore career and apprenticeship opportunities, empowering them to make informed decisions when choosing classes at both the high school and college levels.


Students are encouraged to connect with businesses that offer internships, mentorship, summer employment, and more. While this is not a hiring event, students may wish to reach out to business and apprenticeship representatives at a later time.


LEF partners on this annual event, held during the spring semester.

Appenticeship Fair
Old Ox Rocks

Contact Us

For more than 30 years, the Loudoun Education Foundation has demonstrated how community support can make meaningful educational impacts in the classroom and beyond. As an independent nonprofit, we engage our community to invest in critical and innovative programs that foster academic success and the well-being of students and educators. We fund programs that stimulate students’ curiosity, create exceptional learning opportunities, and provide needed resources to educators, students and families.

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