Q&A with LEF’s Newest Trustee: Marcy Eisenberg
The Loudoun Education Foundation is thrilled to welcome Marcy Eisenberg as our newest honorary trustee. Marcy is the President and Co-Founder of Xelevate. Marcy is the author of “The Relevance Path: 7 Steps to Give Your Organization a Decisive Edge,” a framework to help any person, team, or organization reach impactful, relevant, personal and professional goals. It is this understanding and her knowledge and experience with successful requirements gathering for projects that enables her passion for helping teams and organizations reach levels of success beyond what they thought possible. The LEF staff recently caught up with Marcy and talk more about her background and what has made her most excited to join LEF’s work.
LEF: What made you want to join LEF’s board?
Marcy: I love the mission that LEF undertakes to ensure that LCPS has the tools it needs to help students from every perspective- economically, demographically, functionally, and emotionally. I also love that LEF takes a holistic approach to education by focusing on the needs of the teachers as well, ensuring that the entire educational ecosystem has the support it needs to ensure that both teachers and students thrive.
LEF: Is there a specific program or specific challenge that you’re eager to tackle?
Marcy: I am passionate about integrating STEM into the classroom so that students can tackle STEM concepts early on, and such concepts become almost innate come time for higher education. For example, students already know how to use an iPhone and can accomplish simple computer programming concepts at an early age, with right guidance and programs. As the President of Xelevate, we are establishing the DC Region’s first Unmanned Systems Center of Excellence and it’s important to me and the rest of the team that students can tackle drone concepts early, so they can have the skills necessary to be at the tip of the spear of this emerging and disruptive technology.
LEF: Do you have kids in LCPS?
Marcy: I don’t have kids in LCPS yet, but will soon with two children at preschool age!